Avoid The Plague Avoid The Plague / Neurovascular injury, complement activation, inflammation

Neurovascular injury with complement activation and inflammation in COVID-19

Myoung Hwa Lee, Daniel P Perl, Joseph Steiner, Nicholas Pasternack, Wenxue Li, Dragan Maric, Farinaz Safavi, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Robert Jones, Michelle N Stram, Joel T Moncur, Marco Hefti, Rebecca D Folkerth, Avindra Nath

05 Jul 2022, Brain Volume 145, Issue 7, July 2022, Pages 2555–2568


Injury to the microvasculature by immune complexes with complement activation is the key central event that results in breakdown of the blood–brain barrier, microthromboses, perivascular inflammation and neuronal injury.

Interpretation Notes